AMF Venner

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Manually rotate timer dial clockwise until current time lines up with a mark. Does anyone have a manual? MAINS DANFOSS RANDALL FP715, CP715 PUMPED SMITHS IND.

The time switch is an electronic devise that controls the 'on' and 'off' time of electrical equipment. Do not force dial clockwise.

Danfoss FP715 Si Installation & User's Instructions - Is there a second dial located on the face... CENTROLLER 10 SMITHS IND.

Hi there, Save hours of searching online or wasting money on unnecessary repairs by talking to a 6YA Expert who can help you resolve this issue over the phone in a minute or two. Best thing about this new service is that you are never placed on hold and get to talk to real repairmen in the US. Is there a second dial located on the face... Sometimes there is a raised mark you can feel with finger. Another way is to look down into the groove where the timer dial rotates.... The trippers could also be removable, but I cannot tell. There is a black and orange tripper but I do not know which is ON and which is OFF. You will have to experiment, or words on-off might be printed on tripper. Clock motor located inside timer rotates dial as time passes, and trippers move lever that turns load on-off. Manually rotate timer dial clockwise until current time lines up with a mark. I cannot see current time mark, but there should be a mark that shows where dial is rotated to set current time. There is probably also an override switch on side of timer. You can experiment which position switch should be set to. If free instructions above are not perfect, then do not hesitate to add a comment and include photo of your timer, so I can see the product more clearly. Also say if you have both trippers, and if dial rotates as time passes that would indicate if timer is operable, and take photo of timer switch so expert can see clearly since expert is not at your home with hands on the timer. Add a comment for more free help. Also take advantage of fixya expert assistance live. For a price, expert works with you while you work on timer or any do-it-yourself project. Fixya is always less expensive than a service call. Install the ON tripper pin on the timer dial at the time that you want the controlled device to go ON. Install the OFF tripper pin on the timer dial at the time that you want the load to go OFF. Rotate the timer wheel in the direction of the arrows and you should be set. Crossing my fingers, Good Luck!! You secure the pins on the dial at the appropriate times and pull the dial out slightly to rotate it to the correct time of day and you are set. Minimum ON setting 1 hour Minimum OFF setting 2 hours 7-day calendar dial Timer comes with 7 pair of trippers Rotate disc counter-clockwise until current time lines up with silver pointer. Do not force dial clockwise. Attach trippers to outside edge of dial at ON-OFF times. When tripper screw is inserted on side marked ON, it is ON tripper... Store extra trippers in racks on either side of dial. Then set the dial time to the arrow mark according to the current time. Only turn the timer dial in the direction indicated by the arrow, otherwise you will strip the gears in the timer. If so, there is no problem. If it's really a timer then: Times have 3 components: Clock, two trip switches on and off. Make sure the mark you are using to set the clock is the correct mark and that you have AM PM correct. Make sure you have the trip switches ON and OFF identified and set correctly. Most appliance timers are pretty much alike. You should be able to walk into any appliance store and look at the directions for one like yours. May 12, 2009 Heath Zenith SL-6106-IV Motion Sensing 180° Wall Sensor, Ivory.

Venner Time Switch
Electric Controller - MTSPXC 10A up to 250V at 50 Hz controlled frequency. Danfoss Sol Ltd Ampthill Road Bedford MK42 9ER Tel: 01234 364621 Fax: 01234 219705. Crossing my fingers, Good Luck!. Electric Controller - MTSPXC 10A up to 250V at 50 Hz controlled frequency. There is probably also an override switch on side of timer. It is of the plug-in type venner timer instructions enables it to be interchanged very simply. These time switches are also an ideal way of cutting energy costs, by only consuming electricity when required. Everything is in screened boxes with coax interconnects.