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This is a very real concern. We want it to be relevant and catchy while highlighting the most important keywords. The data is provided by Verisign, that operates the.
Massage it: Improve your current slogan but keep it short and follow all communications with that slogan taking lead 3. The data is provided by Verisign, that operates the.
Sign Up! - Take the time to write a description that works in unison with your well-planned podcast episode title.
There is a lot of competition for the attention of podcast listeners, having a great podcast episode title can make the difference between being heard or being passed over. Ultimately, the episode title effects the success of your show. A great title will clearly communicate what the show is about and grab the attention of current listeners and new listeners alike. You want your title to attract the attention of search engines on the web and on iTunes and other podcast directories. The right title can attract social media shares and compel potential listeners to take action either by listening to your show or getting the word out. The rules for creating great titles are not set in stone. There are a lot of variables from the topic to the type of audience, and to the existing popularity of the podcast. Still there are a few things that you can do to create awesome titles without having to spend all day on it. Here a few best practice rules that will help you craft an amazing title. All of the major podcast apps display your show title and cover art for each episode. There is no reason to repeat your show title in the episode title. Episode numbers can also waste that precious beginning space. Still a lot of people like to know the episode number, and it is standard to include it. Putting the episode number at the end is a great solution. This also avoids conflicts with numbered titles. Still these conventions depend on your type of show, established format, and audience type. For example, John Lee Dumas from EOFire always includes an episode number at the beginning of his episode titles. But that is one of the things that sets his show apart. He started his show with the premise of posting one show a day, every day. This strategy paid off for him, big time. Still, he writes very compelling titles often sprinkled with the names of popular guests. Rule 2 Use Relevant Keywords The episode title is the most important text to search engines and iTunes. If you have a guest on the episode, then put their name in the title. Searchers looking for information on your guest may find your show, and bam, you have a new listener. This is especially effective with big name guests, but everybody has fans. Keep your title relevant and readable to humans, yet be aware of search terms and names that might bring traffic to your show. Rule 3 Make It Catchy and Compelling You want an honest title that tells your audience what your episode is about, but you also want content that is relevant to your potential audience. Think about what people care about? They want content that will educate or entertain them. Make sure that this information is first and foremost. The entire point of your title is to make people do something whether it is read, watch, listen or share. Using second person pronouns you, your and conveying who, what, when, where, why or how can lead to compelling titles. Using numbers can also be an effective form of title building. Rule 4 Focus on Your Audience and Potential Audience Clearly communicating what the show is about is a great way to encourage audience engagement. No one wants to waste their time trying to decipher a too clever title or be duped by a false lead in a title or headline. Your potential listeners use your titles to decide if they want to listen to your show. Taking a broad focus and trying to appeal to a wider audience is better than focusing on a small group. A great show with a catchy title with a wide appeal is also perfect for social shares which are a great way to get the attention of new listeners. Interview Shows In the world of podcasting interview shows are very popular. They are perfect for creating instant content and for cross promoting with other podcasters and influencers. We have a few tips for interview shows that might be helpful along with the previous suggestions. Create Unique Keyword Rich Descriptions When it comes to SEO, the title is the most important part whether we are making a podcast episode title or a blog post title. We want it to be relevant and catchy while highlighting the most important keywords. The podcast description is another great tool for getting in additional keywords and phrases that will entice search engines as well as potential listeners. Take the time to write a description that works in unison with your well-planned podcast episode title. Crafting a great podcast title will take some effort and creativity. Sometimes creativity can ebb and flow, yet your shows are due on a regular basis. If you do a search for title generators, you will find many varied options. Here are a few to play around with for motivation and ideas. 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How To Launch a Podcast in 11 Steps (For Beginners)
So back to Ronseal and naming your podcast. Your name is the first way to help capture a loyal listener and a potential subscriber. A new version of Podcast Generator 1. La interesting words and phrases that mean similar things. None of these really explain what the show is in the title and yet have massive audiences. Still, he writes very compelling titles often sprinkled with the names of popular guests. Make sure you come up with a name that is solo and speaks to your audience.